Principle 2: Fish First

Be strong. The second critical thing to build your diet is to minimize (or completely stop) eating meat, especially beef. Based on all the research I’ve made, my recommendation is to stop eating any red meat, or only in very very very rare circumstances. Choose the filet-o-fish if someone is forcing you to go to Mac Donalds with a gun, this is the right attitude with eating fruits for dessert at the restaurant.

It’s not easy. But always try to choose for fish or veg, you can start avoiding red meat first and do it progressively. I was able to do it just after a few months without problems. Try new recipes with poultries (or even porc) if you like. It takes time, but I will provide excellent compositions later with many different fishes that will encourage you to change your mind. All fish are not equal in taste or benefits but as a principle: it’s always a better choice for your health to choose for fish instead of meat. This is principle 2.

Going further, I would say that your consumption of fish should also be quite limited. I would recommend a maximum of 3-4 meals per week. Also, be careful, all fishes are not all good, unfortunately. It will be gradually more difficult to find safe and good fish to eat for many different reasons. We have to avoid fish that have high levels of mercury. The most famous is Tuna. This fish became less and less popular with the nutritionist because of the recent studies have shown many times a very high level of mercury.
Same as Swordfish and others. I will write a guide on fish later to explain what I found and guide your selection. I still love tuna and swordfish. I still eat them. But where I live, I know where they have been caught.

Well, your diet should be fully plant and fish based (only if you can restrain to 3/4 meals of fish per week).

As I said in my previous posts, there is no absolute rule. Recent studies show that after 65 years old, the human body needs are dramatically changing. Proteins are needed because muscle mass, strenght, weight is decreasing, and therefore the diet must also be adapted. So, we can’t really keep for granted this principle (which is mainly an invitation to decrease our protein consumption dramatically).

After 65 years old, you will need to increase it slightly but wisely.
The examination of the old record population confirms that.
These populations are commonly used to eat local “light” cheeses or even yogurt made from goat’s milk. We will discuss this in more detail later in this blog.

Go fishing 😉 and stay healthy

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